The value of engaged citizenship...
In an era of increasing political polarization, the one thing we all have in common is an obligation to participate in our democracy as informed citizens. Ideology aside, it's up to you – the humble citizen – to honor your history and to commit to a basic understanding of the mechanics of your government. How many of the 100 questions on the U.S. Citizenship Test do you think you can answer correctly? How many do you think the average American citizen can answer? How much are you willing to bet?
The opportunity to take the official, standardized 100 question U.S. Citizenship Test in a public space literally "brings people to the table".
Whether you answer the questions yourself or rely on the help of others, the fate of the funds collected in the top of the community donation box are in your hands.
The conceptual nature of citizenship is challenged by participants of all ages and by anyone willing to expand the boundaries of their civic knowledge.
The experience is meaningful, informative and fun, with all collected donations going to a good cause.